Friday, July 25, 2008


BY VIRGINIA LORI JENNINGS A group of children are abducted in the adventures of "The Alien Mind." Each child becomes a hostage to the Aruk, a group of aliens. While held hostage to the Aruk, the children are rescued from captivity by another group of aliens who adopt them, and become their alien family. The children become gifted in the course of their learning developmental ability, and begin to defy the laws of physics. The trials, and tribulations begin as the Aruk seek revenge, and the children must once again fight for freedom. Virginia Lori Jennings brings her characters to life as young Rivinaig details a description of a hostage situation from the unknown, somewhere in the galaxy, far beyond the imagination. The author draws the reader immediately into this mysterious adventure as we fill our minds with curiosity about the supernatural. I recommend "The Alien Mind" to teens, adults, and sciencefiction lovers. The story is interesting from beginning to end, the plot is superb, and the characters come to life within the first few chapters. "The Alien Mind" is a science fiction thriller that reveals the extraordinary battle for freedom as the children become determined to fight for their rights with an extraterrestrial army. The story is as entertaining as "Independence Day" as it fills the pages with unparalleled magic, and imagination. Geraldine Ahearn, A.i.O.M. author of 6 books Author Geri Ahearn, INC.

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