Friday, March 29, 2013



Award-Winning Author, Alexandrea Weis delivers a remarkable, intriguing romantic suspense story that grabs your attention immediately and has you mesmerized until the curtains close, with an exciting and surprise ending that will blow your mind. I have read every book she wrote, and this one is the cream of the crop. 'ACADIAN WALTZ' is a sparkling gem that glows in the dark! Nora Kehoe has lived a confusing, challenging life and at the age of thirty, she finds herself filled with mixed-emotions. Nora's mother nearly pushed her own daughter over the edge with commands and demands for many years, until her behavior became overwhelming. John Blessing was never really Mr. Right. In fact, he was totally Mr. Wrong in every respect. However, the mistakes Nora made in regards to bad decisions were mainly attributed to her mother's irritating nagging, but that changes when Nora finally controls her own life. Jean Gaspard was her first love from childhood, and the man that lit up Nora's heart. Under unexpected circumstances, Nora is forced to make crucial decisions that will involve the rest of her life, and this time, they must not be influenced by anyone. The final decisions come from her heart, and reflect her true feelings. What does Nora discover about the dangerous world of smugglers and swindlers? What dark secrets does Jean hold, and who will survive in the swamps? Will Nora find her own identity, before choosing her true love? Was there anything illegal about Gaspard Fisheries? What happens to Henri, and who will be Nora's dance partner in the end? Was Nora miserable with John? What was the motive in the death of a young girl? The author created a captivating story that's filled with passion, deep emotion, crime, and suspense. The unique characters come to life, and the perfect setting of the Cajun French culture of Louisiana with all its charm and history, makes you feel as if you took a trip to New Orleans. "ACADIAN WALTZ" is much more than contemporary romance, contains as much chemistry as DANCE WITH ME, is as touching as PRETTY WOMAN, and as dramatic as AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN. Highly recommended!                                             

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