Wednesday, May 8, 2013



Larry Allen became a big star as the quarterback on his high school football team. He was a leader, a mentor, and his entire life evolved around the love he had for the sport. He once believed in the old motto, 'Go hard, or go home!' In fact, thousands of sports players in today's world of tough competition still believe in the theory of 'No pain, no gain.' Like many sports lovers, Larry Allen had no fear as he focused on winning, not how many times he had a concussion, or the consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury. When he was warned not to play the game he loved, his life shattered, like broken glass. To make matters worse, his dysfunctional family needed as much therapy as Larry did, in order to help him. Denise Bartlett delivers an eye-opening awareness of Traumatic Brain Injury in today's sports and the challenges of rehabilitation, through the life of football star Larry Allen. It is quite obvious that the author's expertise on this subject matter is presented through extensive, informative research. In addition, I can witness the consequences of TBI, working in critical care units, supporting these patients in the healing process. This incredible, touching story of Larry Allen and his family, highlight the challenges that must be met, and the essential need for a new beginning. This issue that the author presents is an instant replay for sports lovers and their families, a wake-up call on statistics of injuries, and the crucial importance of rehabilitation. Denise Bartlett tells it like it is for today's young athletes in a message of hope and happiness for the future, with an uplifting spirit, through this gripping tale of a football champ. "THROUGH THE FLAMES" is as emotional as BRIAN'S SONG, as entertaining as REMEMBER THE TITANS, and as inspiring as THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN. Highly recommended!

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